Robin McAtee, PhD, RN, FACHE, Arkansas Geriatric Education Collaborative (AGEC) Director, and Ronni Chernoff, PhD, FAND, FASPEN, Associate Director, are pleased to announce the newest awardees of the AGEC Junior Faculty Development Fellowship in geriatrics at the Donald W. Reynolds Institute on Aging at UAMS.
Caitlin Price, Au.D., Ph.D., CCC-A and Lee Isaac, Psy.D. were notified of the decision in June 2022, and Leah Tobey, PT, DPT, MBA was notified of the decision in November 2022. Dr. Price began her year-long program in July 2022, and Drs. Isaac and Tobey began in January 2023. The AGEC Junior Faculty Development program objective is to support the career development of professionals who want to specialize in academic and clinical geriatrics. The award includes $25,000 in salary support and supported attendance at one national geriatric conference.
About Dr. Caitlin Price

Caitlin Price, Au.D., Ph.D., CCC-A, is an assistant professor in the UAMS Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology and is a licensed clinical audiologist with expertise in adult diagnostics, rehabilitation, and auditory electrophysiology. She has extensive clinical experience with geriatric populations and has initiated patient-driven inquiries on best practices and other clinically applicable research topics related to cognitive aging, auditory perception, and speech-in-noise processing. In her postdoctoral fellowship, she worked with interdisciplinary teams to evaluate the impact of cognitive impairment on the auditory processing of speech in older adults. Her research aims to assess individual differences that contribute to speech-in-noise deficits and develop effective clinical interventions to foster successful communication across the lifespan.
About Dr. Lee Isaac

Lee Isaac, Psy.D., is a postdoctoral fellow in Clinical Neuropsychology at UAMS and joined the faculty as an assistant professor in August 2022. He graduated from La Salle University in Philadelphia, PA, with a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology, and completed his clinical internship at UAMS. He specializes in geriatric neuropsychology, and his clinical work includes neurocognitive assessment for patients with suspected neurodegenerative conditions and movement disorders. His research presently focuses on updated assessments for dementia populations and diagnostic specificity in types of dementia, particularly with the integration of technology.
About Dr. Leah Tobey

Leah Tobey PT, DPT, MBA is a doctor of physical therapy with emphasis in improving patients’ quality of lives with self-care management and optimal, evidenced-based therapies. She earned her doctorate in PT from The University of Central Arkansas in 2009 and later an M.B.A. from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock in 2019. Leah has been a member of the UAMS family since 2013 and has over 13 years of clinical PT experience in orthopedics, geriatrics, and pelvic floor rehabilitation. Her current PT practice is within The UAMS Interventional Pain Clinic. In 2020, she joined the Center for Health Services Research (CHSR) at UAMS’s Psychiatric Research Institute as an Instructor and Academic Detailer where she enjoys educating providers in rural AR about chronic pain management and non-pharmacologic therapies. Leah is also the Clinical Educator for the Arkansas Geriatric Education Collaborative (AGEC) through the Reynolds Institute on Aging and works with 8 FQHC clinics across the state implementing Age-Friendly Healthcare. Leah is a life-long Razorback fan who enjoys spending time with her family, mindfulness, yoga, swimming, and horticulture.